In addition to historic and important government buildings and museums, Washington DC is home to over three dozen national monuments and memorials. These monuments and memorials honor prominent figures from throughout American history, and veterans of foreign wars. Many are incredibly popular tourist attractions for international and domestic visitors alike.

Visitors Medical Insurance for Travelers visiting Washington DC Monuments and Memorials – FAQs

Spending a day or two touring the monuments and memorials of Washington will involve plenty of walking, possibly climbing, and exposure to the weather. It’s certainly possible that you could injure yourself or catch an illness. To make sure you can get medical treatment for an affordable price, don’t forget to purchase visitors medical insurance.

Do I need visitors medical insurance for Washington DC Monuments and Memorials?

There is no requirement for visitors to the USA on a tourist visa or visiting without a visa to have insurance coverage. But you must remember that healthcare in the USA is very expensive. All foreign visitors should make sure they have insurance that will be accepted here. Visitors medical insurance is the best option for this. 

Why buy visitors medical insurance before visiting Washington DC Monuments and Memorials?

It only takes a single hospital visit in the US to put you into debt if you don’t have insurance. And don’t mistakenly believe that you can use the domestic health insurance from your home country, as it’s unlikely to be accepted in the USA. All foreign visitors to the US should get covered by visitors medical insurance.

Trip Cancellation Insurance for Travelers visiting Washington DC Monuments and Memorials – FAQs

Hotels in Washington DC aren’t cheap, and airfare is getting more expensive all the time. You would hate to lose out on the airline tickets and hotel room you’d already paid for if you had to cancel your trip. Unfortunately, that’s a real possibility, as these prepaid charges are typically nonrefundable. The solution is to have trip cancellation insurance.

Why should I get trip cancellation insurance before traveling to Washington DC Monuments and Memorials?

Trip cancellation insurance can reimburse you for your prepaid, nonrefundable travel expenses if you’re forced to cancel your trip for a covered reason. This is critically important, because it only takes one illness, family emergency, or natural disaster to cancel a vacation.

What can be covered by trip cancellation insurance for Washington DC Monuments and Memorials?

Once your trip begins, most travel insurance plans can also provide coverage for things like baggage loss, trip delay, trip interruption, and even emergency medical care

Most Popular Washington DC Monuments and Memorials

You could spend weeks exploring all of the different sights in Washington DC. But since you most likely don’t have that kind of time, we’d recommend you start your sightseeing adventures with the following suggestions.

Washington Monument

Once the tallest structure in the world, the Washington Monument is a 555-foot obelisk on the National Mall. This iconic monument is a true symbol of America that every visitor should see. You can even go up to the top. There’s an iron staircase you can climb if you’re feeling fit, or an elevator that takes about 70 seconds. Just keep in mind that you’ll need a ticket to enter, and the monument can be very busy at times. Over 600,000 take the trip to the top each year. 

Lincoln Memorial

Mimicking the style of a Greek temple, the Lincoln Memorial pays tribute to Abraham Lincon, the 16th President of the United States. The Lincoln Memorial is a massive structure, covering some 27,000 square feet. The centerpiece of the memorial is the massive statue of a seated President Lincoln that stands more than 30 feet high. Over 7 million people visit the Lincoln Memorial annually. It is open to the public 24 hours a day. 

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a US national memorial that somberly remembers all US servicemembers who died or remain missing as a result of the Vietnam War. The memorial consists of two walls, each 246 feet in length, with 58,320 names currently engraved into black granite that was quarried in Bangalore, India. This memorial has averages nearly 4 million visitors annually.

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

This four-acre national memorial dedicated to famed civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was opened in 2011. Its centerpiece is a 30-foot white granite statue of Dr. King entitled “Stone of Hope.” The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial is the first memorial near the National Mall dedicated to an African American, and only the fourth dedicated to a non-president. 

Jefferson Memorial

Situated on the banks of Potomac River, the Jefferson Memorial is named for Thomas Jefferson, who was the nation’s third president and founder of the Democrat-Republican Party. This neoclassical-style memorial covers some 80,000 square feet, and features a statue of Jefferson, along with inscriptions of famous quotes from one of the nation’s founding fathers.

Key Guidelines for Visitors to Washington DC Monuments and Memorials

When to Visit

The majority of memorials and monuments in Washington DC are open year-round. However, spring is the most popular time to visit due to the city’s famous cherry blossoms being on full display. Summer vacation season is popular as well, though the heat and humidity can be considerable during this time. Visiting in winter is certainly possible and will be much less busy, but cold and snow should be expected.

Be Respectful

Remind yourself and especially remind your children to act respectful at these places, particularly at memorials that honor members of the US military that died in service of their country. These are not places to be loud or boisterous. You can certainly take pictures, but be considerate when doing so. And of course, be sure not to litter. 

Don’t Try to See Everything

Washington DC has so many tourist attractions it can seem overwhelming. Don’t feel the need to try to see each monument and memorial. Just pick out a few major ones like the Lincoln Memorial and sightsee in the area. The National Mall alone can keep you busy for most of the day.

Before You Visit Washington DC Monuments and Memorials – Do This 

  • Pack comfortable walking shoes, as you’ll be on your feet most of the time.
  • Bring clothes that fit the season. The vast majority of these monuments and memorials are outdoors.
  • Protect yourself with visitors medical insurance or travel insurance.

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